Sub-basins (hydroscope.gr) [EL]
This dataset contains the sub-basins comprising the water basins of Greece. The thematic layer of sub-basins includes the fields provided for both in accordance with the Inspire... -
Groundwater [EL]
This dataset contains the boundaries of the Groundwater of Greece. Groundwater is all water which is below the surface of the gorund in the saturation zone and in direct contact... -
Ηydrographic network [EL]
This dataset contains the hydrographic network of Greece -
Water districts of mountain areas [EL]
This dataset contains the water districts of the mountain areas of Greece -
Water Districts of mountain areas [EL]
This dataset contains the Water Districts of the mountain areas of Greece. -
Water Districts (hydroscope.gr) [EL]
This dataset contains the Water Districts of Greece. The data were created under Community Directive on water (2000/60/EC). The dataset 'Water Districts (hydrroscope.gr)' has... -
Water Districts (Special Secretariat for Water ) [EL]
This dataset contains the 14 Water Districts (River Basin Areas) of the country, in accordance with the National Water Commission's Decision of 16 July, 2010, (Government... -
Rivers (hydroscope.gr) [EL]
These data include mapped water surfaces of the rivers of Greece and were created under Community Directive on water (2000/60/EC). -
Rivers (e-per.gr) [EL]
This dataset contains the network of rivers and streams of Greece as provided by e-per.gr service. -
Limit line of the foreshore at the Fyra area of the Municipality of Kythira [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore at the Fyra area in Diakófti area of the Municipality of Kythira as determined by Decision... -
Limit line of the foreshore, beach and old foreshore at the Delta area of the... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit lines of the foreshore, beach and old foreshore at the area of the Olympic Venues at the Delta area of Palaio Faliro in the Municipalities of... -
Limit line of the foreshore, beach and old foreshore at the Platia Ammos area... [EL]
This dataset contains the vectors for the determination and redetermination of the limit lines of the foreshore, beach and old foreshore at the Platia Ammos area of the... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Xilokériza area of the Municipal... [EL]
This dataset contains the vectors for the determination and redetermination of the limit lines of the foreshore and beach at the Xilokériza area of the Municipality of Spetses.... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Freattyda area of the Municipali... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Freattyda area of the Municipality of Piraeus, as approved by Decision 5143/29.9.04 of the General... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Mikrolimano area of the Municipa... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Mikrolimano area of the Municipality of Piraeus, as approved by Decision 36749/23241/12.10.2009 of the... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Mesári area of Dokós of the Muni... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Mesári area of Dokós of the Municipality of Hydra as determined by Decision 21650/1241/2.6.2010,... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Méga Neórion area of the Municip... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore at the Méga Neórion area of the Municipality of Poros as determined by Decision 426025/24106/1.11.2010, Government Gazette,... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Karkani Malibardi area of the Mu... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Karkani Malibardi area of the Municipality of Methana as determined by Decision... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Zástano area of the Municipality... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Zástano area of the Municipality of Spetses, as approved by the corrected version of Decision of... -
Limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Fourkaria area of the Municipali... [EL]
This dataset contains the limit line of the foreshore and beach at the Fourkaria area of the Municipality of Poros, as approved by Decision 45522/42350/14.12.11 of the General...