
Geoadata.gov.gr is providing open geospatial data and services for Greece, serving as a national open data catalogue, an INSPIRE-conformant Spatial Data Infrastructure, as well as a powerful foundation for enabling value added services from open data.

Feel free to publish, discover, reuse, and visualize all published data. Check the available features for publishing geospatial data (vector and raster), OGC web services, INSPIRE services, Data API, and Mapping API.

Operating since 2010, geodata.gov.gr was one of the first open data catalogues in the world, contributing to the national and international open government agenda. It is designed, developed, and maintained by IMIS/Athena RC, with the aim to provide a focal point for the aggregation, search, provision and visualization of open geospatial information.

Geodata.gov.gr is powered exclusively by open source software developed in the context of the EU-funded project PublicaMundi, as well as the international Open Source community.

We constantly strive to make open data publishing easier, minimizing the effort from the public sector, and automating the provision of reusable services from open data. For example, in less than a minute, users can publish a geospatial dataset and let geodata.gov.gr automatically generate OGC services, interactive maps and data APIs!

Want to learn more, publish data, or contribute?