Protection areas of the National Park of the Messolonghi-Aitoliko Lagoon
  This dataset is translated from Greek (EL) to English (EN). The original version is here.

Publication: 2015-08-16
Last revision: 2015-11-04

This dataset contains the boundaries of the National Park of the Messolonghi-Aitoliko Lagoon, lower reaches and estuaries of Acheloos and Evinos rivers and Echinades islands, as described in JMD 22306 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 477, 31.5.2006) (ΦΕΚ 477Β’/31-05-2006) and as corrected and digitised by the Management Body of Messolonghi Lagoon. The available geospatial data constitute the fourth version (v.1.40 /24.1.2013) of a digital file that maps (with an accuracy of ±10m) the protected areas of the National Park: * Areas of Absolute Protection-AP * Nature Protection Areas-NP * Regional Areas-RA. This version includes a classification of the protection areas of the National Park for the better management and protection of SACs & SPAs. The projection system is GGRS87. Horizontal Accuracy: ± 10m. The base layer of National Cadastre and Mapping Agency S.A. (NCMA S.A.) was used for the digitisation and correction. Working scale for correction is 1:3,000. Maximum estimated error 3mm (~ 10m).

Data and Resources

  • Ζώνες Προστασίας shapefile

    Ζώνες προστασίας Εθνικού Πάρκου Λιμνοθάλασσας Μεσολογγίου-Αιτωλικού

