Natura 2000 Network and protected areas
  This dataset is translated from Greek (EL) to English (EN). The original version is here.

Publication: 2015-08-16
Last revision: 2015-11-04

The Natura 2000 Network is a European Ecological Network of sites which host natural habitat types and habitats of species that are important at a European level. Today Greece has designated 202 Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and 241 Sites of Community Importance (SCI), two of which are still under consideration. The data available constitute version 29 (v.29) which resulted after update of the Natura 2000 database in May 2011. The changes to the data are documented in the document ʻUPDATE OF THE DATABASE OF NATURA 2000 - MAY 2011ʼ ( 3d & tabid = 504 & language = el-GR) .The designation species of Special Protection Areas are recorded in the relevant document ().

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