Limits of the foreshore and beach of the Municipality of Alexandroupoli
  This dataset is translated from Greek (EL) to English (EN). The original version is here.

Publication: 2015-08-16
Last revision: 2015-11-04

This dataset contains the limits determining the foreshore, beach and old foreshore of Alexandroupoli as digitised by the Evros Prefecture Office of Public Property with its own resources. Note that the available geospatial data do not constitute an official determination of the foreshore and beach in digital form, but the digitisation of corresponding descriptive information that has occasionally been published in relevant issues of the Government Gazette. Among other things used for the determination of these, there were control points, independent coordinate systems, HATT in small or large sheet map, TM3 and the GGRS87 projection. The available data constitute an effort to complete all of these different sources and methods.

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