Population Census 1991 [EL]
De facto population, surface, population density and weighted average of the altitudes of Municipalities and Communities of the NSSG census of 1991 -
Economically active population [EL]
Census data on the economically active and inactive population of the country by sex and age groups for the NSSG censuses of the years 1991 and 2001. -
The Population of Greece [EL]
Census data on the population of Greece by sex and age groups for the NSSG censuses of 1991 and 2001. -
Population Census 2001 [EL]
De facto population, surface and population density with distinction into urban and rural areas, as well as into level, semi-mountainous and mountainous areas of the NSSG census... -
Marriages, births, and deaths [EL]
Marriages, live births, and deaths in Greece for the years 2000 to 2007 inclusive, by permanent place of residence and by place of occurence